Mitsubishi Error Code 1102 Faulty Temperature Output
A lacking of proper cooling of the compressor or refrigerant aids can cause this. Overheating in the compressor or fault with your digital condenser can also cause this. Higher friction, in any case, will lead to over0heating. Use of the dip switch will alert you if it’s fuel-related or technical.
Mitsubishi Error Code 0403 Internal Communication Error
This problem occurs when there is a communication order between that the PCB and the internal comp hardware. Inspect for broken or burnt connection issues, especially in the Y models (YGMA,YJMA etc). There will always be an error detail code remember- in this case; if the code reads 001or any numerical consistency with 1, the error occurred between the inverter and the mainboard. 005 is indicative of the main board communicating with the fan module/board.
Mitsubishi Error Code 0900 Test Operator
Check to make sure via dip switch the “tester" isn’t set or turned to “on" On the main control switchboard, this will fall under SW. This simple issue can be resolved by restarting and if the problem persists, we have a different error code/problem.
Mitsubishi Error Code 1301 Low Pressure
If it isn’t the pressure sensor reading incorrectly, it’s the blockage or lack of communication between the circuit and the board. This will cause a possible leak in coolant or a severe drop in low pressure. Please check the circuit before assuming.
Mitsubishi Error Code 1302 High Pressure
A higher pressure faulty reading will always be caused by a blockage or restriction in airflow. The condenser coil is sometimes the problem as well. A fan motor installed incorrectly or manufactured wrong can also be to blame. Check the quality of airflow and pipes carefully. Inspect in heating mode for indoor units and correlate with the outdoor codes and pipework.
Mitsubishi Error Code 2502 Drain Pump
The cause of this is the indoor drain and its units have detected a higher than normal water level besides the drip tray. I a common problem and an easy solution. If there is in fact excessive water in the drip tray, drain or vacuum some or all of that and restart. If it’s the circuit, a simple restart may be sufficient.
Mitsubishi Error Code 2600 Water Leakage
This stems from a leak of that water on or around the humidifier f the unit. Simply check that the water leak isn’t affecting the humidifier or central unit. Also check to see if the circuit has blown.
Mitsubishi Error Code 4102 “Open Phase"
It is missing the main component or it isn’t switched to activate. Please check any and all wiring and fuses for the power supply and also the filter for noise reduction. These can be located in the third or second phase of the manual/error code.
Mitsubishi Error Code 4116 RPM ERROR
Most Common/Extensive
- High Temperature
Check temperature around lossnay - Model Switch
Confirm SW model is selected properly - Fan Connection
Check connection for motors - Fan Motors Fault
Replace Fan or circuit board - Voltage Drop
Check the CNVDC [between pins 1-3] - Control Board Failure
DC 12volt is applied to the proper connecter [4-5] on the indoor controller - Sidenote: Please make sure the INVERTER is switched OFF when doing these checks
- Persistenet Problem of above mentioned
Replace the NF board as it’s not communicating properly
Mitsubishi Error Code 4225 Low Voltage
Fan board fault or improper installation of the main power supply and its connections. Check all main supplies and make sure circuits are all working properly.
Mitsubishi Error Code 4230 Overheating
Check to make sure the wiring and the circuits are all aligned properly and there isn’t any interference between the control panel and the motor. This one should be easy enough to conclude.
Mitsubishi Error Code 6600 Address Overlapping
There is probably more than one unit with the identical MNET address or even more common- two or more devices are connected and addressed the same. The processor cant distinguishes the polarities between the two connections. The transmission line. Controllers such as ME – Remote Controllers and outdoor and indoor units will differentiate between the codes. A simple reset, reboot, or switch off to make the primary is the best solution. if possible, check the controller where the original error was found and you can replace just the unit itself if needed. The Lossnay circuit board is defective and if that’s the case, unfortunately, you’ll have to be buying an entirely new board/panel.
Mitsubishi Error Code 6601 6602 6603: See Above
Mitsubishi Error Code 6607 NO ACK ERROR
This issue lies directly with the lossnay. The lossnay must be changed because the address has been. There is also a possibility that the Lossnay has no power and this will lead you to the transmission. If this is the case with the transmission then; it is perhaps because the cable has exceeded its 500m limit. This is the case of having to replace the entire transmission if it’s blown.